5 Reasons To Get On A Bike

There are many reasons to start to live healthier. One of the best ways to start apart from eating healthy is to do some sport. I think the best way to start a sport is to get on a bike. It is a very easy sport, but also not very expensive.


Everyone can get on a bike for a few hundred dollars. Also, cycling is very good and easy for the joints. It is much safer for your body than running or weight lifting.

So let’s start with the 3 most important reasons to get on the bike:

1.Get Fit!

Getting fit is, of course, reason number one. Staying fit means living longer and better. I guess you can get fit with just 3-5 kilometers per day. It can be going to work or just to buy some groceries. If you ride at least 4 times per week you will get fit for sure.

2. Travel cheaper.

With the bike, you can travel cheaper than practically any kind of transportation. The only thing that it will cost you is calories. It is the cheapest way to go to work. Of course, you have to buy a bike but it is a long-term investment which is totally worth it.

3. Cycling is safe for the body.

As mentioned before cycling is much easier on your legs, ankles, knees and feet than running. Running has the potential to harm your body in the long-term. Cycling, on the other hand, is much safer and good for the body.

4.Look cool!

Yeah, I know that this doesn’t come to your mind but I think that a man looks very cool on a new, clean road bike. Of course, it is not like a motorcycle cool but still cool. Well, it is important not to be with shaved legs 🙂 I’m kidding. Lean look, nice beautiful helmet, and sunglasses, you know what I mean.

5.Increase the lifespan of your car.

I assume that you have a car but you use it only on the weekends when you go to buy some groceries or only to go to holiday. The good news is that if you commute mainly with your bike your car will stay in your garage and will live longer. It will be perfect shape and on very low mileage. It will be always nice and clean and your friends will always ask you how do you achieve it. Your car will definitely thank you 🙂

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